Last night it was the Halloween Contest at PetSmart again. This time, Mom tried to get creative. Yes, that's Spock on a saddle, on my back. "Live Long and PAWsper."
We didn't win anything. The judges liked the store-bought ones this year.
The Dog Blog of a Sharp Eagle (Shar Pei / Beagle) Mix
We think you look gorgeous.
Hi Laney,
You look terrific in your costume... and Spook should be honored getting to ride on your back. Nice work, mommy.
Licks, hero
you won my vote! love sunlight in your shot
That little dude on your back is kind of creepy. Maybe he was sending out bad vibes to the judges.
If you would have worn that to the Bark Park I would have tried to bite Spock. That would have been fun.
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