I hope you all had a nice Christmas! I sure did! From Mom, I got this new frog (below) that’s really big and has lots of squeakers and even makes a frog noise that sounds more like a cow than anything, a chewy bone, a squeaky reindeer toy, a hide-a-squirrel toy, and a toy to keep me busy finding treats (bigger than my kong). And Grandma and Grandpa got me a really nice new bed and some yummy pig ears! Yes, I was a very good girl this year!
Here are some pics of Christmas morning. It was my cousin Sophia’s first Christmas! As you can see, she’d rather play with me than open presents.
Last night, my friend Sandy came over for a play date! Since we both contracted viral papilloma from another dog from out dog park, we both have yucky warts on the inside of our mouth. Neither of our moms were happy that they couldn’t take us to the park, since we’re contagious. So us sick kids get to play together!
I finally had a friend to play with out in my fenced-in yard! But it has been so cold, that there’s a thick sheet of ice over everything. So we played while slipping and sliding all over the place. Mom and Sandy’s mom were laughing so hard, they had to take videos of us.
Mom tried to take pictures of us too, but we were constantly in motion. And here it looks like Sandy got possessed by the devil! Hehe! Don’t know what was going on there. I’ve heard of red eye, but glowing eye?
Sandy’s mom also brought over a new toy for me! She said that Sandy was scared of it and ran. Well, here’s a video of what it does. I don’t show much interest in it here. But Mom’s going to take more video tonight, because I learned how to turn it on myself! And I love this new toy! But Mom says she doesn’t think she’s going to be so crazy about it after the 100th time I make it do the funny noises. Anyway, thanks Sandy's mom! I love it!
Friday afternoon Mom found a package at our door. And it was addressed to me! I won the November dog photo contest over at http://thoughtsforpaws.com; and they sent me a Christmas toy! Check out the cool candy cane!
Mom said it was supposed to talk (see the first video below), but it didn’t make any noise other than a click. I didn’t care that it didn’t work though, I went crazy over it! I love new toys!
Since Mom is too lazy to make Christmas cards this year, like so many of our friends, here's a Christmas photo and a Happy Holidays greeting to all!
This is obviously a Christmas picture frame from PetSmart that says "Be Jolly" on it and a picture of me that doesn't really fit. Very funny, Mom. I can't help it if I only have one expression.
I think this is a much better picture; and both of us are in it.
Also, we just received this nice Christmas Card via email from my pal Chef. Thanks, Chef!
Mom finally had me try on a new sweater last night. It’s super cute but a little to snug. So until Mom stretches it out, she won’t make me wear it again. I didn’t like it at all.
I stole this from Bolo. You're supposed to find the 6th picture from the 6th folder in your photo files. Well, I'm going to pull from my pictures in mom's flickr account (which just happens to be the 6th photo set!). And here it is.. me looking lazy, as usual! And this is from the day Mom brought me home from the Humane Society last April! Yes, that's really how my neck looks, lots of extra skin!
At one point last night, Mom caught me stacking up my toys to chew on. But then, I just decided to cuddle with them.
Oh! And I got a new pig ear, since I had pretty much devoured my last one! You can see the remains of my last one in the bottom picture on the right hand side.
Thanks for all the well wishes! Since so many others have done it, I thought I'd have fun with the latest Christmas Meme too:
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper. But mom likes to use gift bags when she’s feeling lazy.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial and pre-lit. Definitely. Much less work.
3. When do you put up the tree? Usually the weekend of Thanksgiving, though we did it the weekend before this year.
4. Wreath on your door? Yes
5. Do you like eggnog? I haven’t had it, but Mom loves it!
6. Favorite Xmas gift received as a child? This will be my first Christmas with Mom! And my mom doesn’t have that great of a memory.
7. Easiest person to buy for? Mom. She loves movies and books and keeps an up-to-date Amazon wishlist.
8. Least easiest? Grandma!
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, a nice Department 56 collection that Mom puts out every year.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Email, when Mom even remembers to do those.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I haven’t received any yet! But mom says she got me some fun toys!
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I can barely stay awake for movies, but Mom loves White Christmas the best.
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Mom starts shopping the after Christmas sales some years!
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Not yet. Though I’d probably pass along some of the toys I don’t play with to my buddies at the park, if they wanted.
15. Open presents on Christmas eve or morning? Most of the presents get opened on Christmas eve, but we save the stockings for Christmas morning. Though, Mom said I get my stocking Christmas eve, before leaving for the Grandparents’.
16. Lights on the tree? Yes! The tree is pre-lit, of course!
17. Favorite Christmas song? Whatever one my mom is singing to me. And Mom has LOTS of favorites!
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Travel, but just to Grandma and Grandpa’s house, which isn’t far away.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Uh, Rudolph, Dasher, Prancer, Dancer, Donner, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, and Blitzen!
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star usually, but this year it looks pretty enough without a topper.
21. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Mom says they always eat duck for Christmas, so I’m hoping to score a piece of that!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? When there are too many people in our house! I get nervous easily.
23. Favorite Tree ornament, theme or color? Our tree is all blues and silver.
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Duck, see #21.
25. Brussels Sprouts - love or hate them? I don’t know, but Mom hates them! So we’ll never have them in our house.
26. Favorite accompaniment to the Christmas Pud? Pud? I have no clue what that is. Christmas pudding? There’s no such thing in our households. Doesn’t sound like something I’d like anyway. Unless I saw a human eating it, of course.
27. Favorite Christmas Carol? Whatever Mom sings to me. Mom’s favorite is Silent Night.
28. Your very Favorite Christmas Thing? More decorations means more places to hide my bones and biscuits!
29. A Christmas wish! More yummy people food!
30. Tag some friends. If you want to do this one, consider yourself tagged.
Mom hasn't been feeling well lately, so I've had to step up and keep her company by cuddling and sleeping all day with her. It's a tough job, but... No, wait. I sleep all day anyway, so it's just a bonus that I get to sleep in Mom's bed instead of mine!