At one point last night, Mom caught me stacking up my toys to chew on. But then, I just decided to cuddle with them.
Oh! And I got a new pig ear, since I had pretty much devoured my last one! You can see the remains of my last one in the bottom picture on the right hand side.
Your mom loves you a lot Laney. And like most shar peis you have so much gravitas!
Hum!! Pig ears are GOOD!!
ViVi & AB
Hi Laney!
You look very cute cuddling with your toys! And that pigs ear looks delicious! Have a great weekend!
Ps. I added you to my friends list on my blog! I hope that's ok!
Hi, Laney!
You look so cute with your toys!
I've never had a pig ear but I've heard they are yummy!
Glad you enjoyed it!
Kisses and hugs
Mom has only given us a pig's ear once! We think it's about time we had another one!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Aww you look so cute with your toys.
Zac has started chewing on toys but he actually destroys them... silly boy. :-/
We have never had a pigs ear, i think we would like it though. :-)
Your pals,
Holly & Zac
You are so cute in your video!
Do pig ears taste good? I've never had on before.
Hi Laney
Enjoy your pigs ear. I love pigs ears becuase of you.
See you soon.
Love Ruby
Hey Laney, we love your blog and wanted to give you an award....come by any time and pick it up!
Slobbers xx
Oh Laney! PIG EARS!! My favourite. Lucky you - you get a steady flow of them. I can't remember when I had my last one. Thanks for reminding my mom to get me one this week.
You have a lot of restraint, Laney! My Sammy would gobble up a pig's ear until there is nothing left.
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