Sometimes I love being alone.... with my Mom. Mom says I'm codependent, whatever that means. If it means I have to be with her all the time, and not let her out of my sight - then, yes. That's me.
But I have to admit. It's pretty fun to be the center of attention. For a little while, at least.
Oh, I just love the human puppies. We don't have any here, but they're so much fun. Also, sometimes they taste quite good when licked.
lotsa licks, Lola
Oh dear, I would NEVER share my attentions with the human pups. I am a total momma's dog.
Laney, with a face like that, you're always going to be the center of attention!
It's hard not to love you, Laney.
Licks, hero
Well, you are very lovable, Laney! :)
Looks like you had lots of fun with those 2 legged pups. :)
Sorry we have not stopped by and said hi in a while ... but we have not forgotten about you though! You are just as adorable as we remembered you to be. :)
Lots of stinkin' kisses from Sweden
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